Building an effective risk champion network

Last Thursday I hosted a collaborative session with Alexander Larsen, Eamonn Cunningham and ten of our Members based in Australia, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. One of many virtual meetings hosted by Risk Leadership Network each week, Thursday’s session was an opportunity for Members to share and benchmark how they are implementing and using internal risk champion networks to support their risk management programme. (Click here to see what other virtual meetings are coming up) Risk champions remain a critical part of any risk management programme. As one Member explained, "risk champion networks are incredibly powerful and if done well can lead to greater insight right across and up and down the organisation, with the ability to respond more effectively to events. That said, they are tricky to set up and get right." Like previous Risk Leadership Network sessions I’ve moderated, Members openly shared their success stories while candidly explaining what hadn’t gone well and where precisely improvements could be made. Members can access the specific findings through our Member Portal where they can also read our latest Intelligence paper "How to build an effective risk champion network". We thought it would be useful to share a general summary of this with the wider risk community. These can be grouped into five main themes:

Why establish a risk champion network?

Getting buy in

Participants agreed building a successful network starts with executive support:

Getting middle management support can be challenging as business unit managers may not want a member of their team to take on additional responsibilities:


Members agreed communication of the role, expectations and value of risk champions needs to be clearly articulated. Members discussed topics including:

Rewarding commitment

Members discussed the need to spell out the rewards for committing to and succeeding with the risk champion role. Members gave examples such as:


Members agreed training is critical and shared how they are:

If you are interested in setting up or improving a risk champion network, please feel free to get in touch. You can reach me on We would love to hear your thoughts.

As background, we have also launched a quarterly check-in for Members who are starting to build a risk champion network or working to improve the effectiveness of an existing network. Sessions are limited to five participants and are an opportunity to discuss progress, share what’s worked and validate ideas with peers and other industry experts. If you are a Member of the Risk Leadership Network and would like to join our next cohort, contact .