OAR 413-015-0435
Develop a Protective Action Plan

If the CPS worker determines the child is unsafe due to a present danger safety threat, the CPS worker must immediately initiate a protective action plan. This usually occurs during the initial contact but must occur at any time during the CPS assessment if it is determined that the child is unsafe due to present danger. The purpose of the protective action plan is to ensure that children are safe while CPS intervention continues and a fuller understanding of the family behaviors, conditions, and circumstances is obtained. A protective action plan occurs the same day that it is determined the child is unsafe and provides a child with responsible adult supervision and care.


Requirements for a Protective Action Plan. When developing a protective action plan, the CPS worker must ensure all requirements in OAR 413-015-0432 (Develop Safety Plans) are met and that the protective action plan:


Manages present danger safety threats;


Is in place before the CPS worker leaves the home;


Does not remain in place longer than 10 calendar days; and


Does not remain in place after the CPS assessment is complete.